If you have Toggle Renters or Auto insurance and you make a policy change that increases your monthly cost, you’ll be charged instantly. If your change results in a lower monthly cost, we’ll refund your debit or credit card currently on file, typically within 3 business days. In rare cases, your bank or credit card issuer may be unable to process your refund and will notify us. If that’s the case, we’ll issue you a check with your refund. Moving forward, the policy changes you make will be incorporated into your regular monthly payment.
If you have Toggle Home insurance and you make a policy change that increases your annual policy premium, you'll be charged the difference instantly. If your change results in a lower premium, we'll refund your debit or credit card, typically within 3 business days. In rare cases, your bank or credit card issuer may be unable to process your refund and will notify us. If that’s the case, we’ll issue you a check with your refund.