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Not at all! When you apply for a quote with Toggle, we may obtain your credit information or other third party consumer reports to offer a price uniquely for you, depending on your state. Don't worry though, any credit inquiry is considered a 'soft hit' that won't affect your credit score in any way. more

A deductible is the amount you're responsible for paying in the event you have certain covered losses to your personal property. If, for example, you select a $500 deductible and you have a covered claim with damages totaling $3,000, we will pay $3,000 minus your $500 deductible. So, your issued payment would be $2,500. more

Toggle Renters and Home policies are twelve (12) months in length, from the coverage start date that you select. Toggle Auto policies are six (6) months in length, from the coverage start date that you select. more

For Toggle Renters and Auto policies, you can purchase a policy up to thirty (30) days in advance of your desired coverage start date. For Toggle Home policies, you can purchase a policy up to sixty (60) days in advance of your desired coverage start date. more